Posts tagged Tweens
The tween years get a bad wrap, but personally this might be my favorite stage

Around the time my son started talking, the warnings of the "tween years" started swirling. Well-meaning friends who had older kids would say things like, "Enjoy this time. It won't be long before he's a tween and talking back to you." Or, "Enjoy the cuddles now because in a few years he won't want anything to do with you."

As a first-time mom of an only-child, these cautionary tales cut right through me as I looked at my sweet, loving little buddy.

Fast forward several years and that adorable, joyful, caring boy is now an 11-year-old tween. He and his stepsister, who is the same age, are smack dab between child and teen and, to be honest, this phase of parenting might be among my favorites.

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